Supplier Network

eChemPortal has been created from a unique database from our 200+ verified suppliers around the world. This supplier network combined with an efficient search engine and integrated logistic controls provide one stop shop for your R&D needs. With eChemPortal Supplier Network, sourcing of rare chemicals has been made convenient and time saving. We are committed to providing efficient global sourcing and procurement services.

Unique and Accurate Database:

  • Pool of unique compounds from 200+ trusted suppliers yielding over 3 million compounds.
  • Accurate and up to date database with current stock status and delivery time frame.
  • Multiple search options; using CAS numbers, Supplier’s Catalog number, Chemical Names, and by other properties.
  • Ability to search database using Structure files and by commonly used formats.

Benefits of Supplier Network:

  • Saves you valuable time by providing one-click solutions for quotations and customs synthesis with ability to match and evaluate supplier provided details in a single click.
  • Efficient search engine that allows you search multiple suppliers’ products.
  • Multiple consolidations allow you to save time and efforts in Supply Chain Cycle.
  • Multiple export and customization options to retrieve products from multiple suppliers into a single file.
  • One source to evaluate your custom synthesis needs from multiple sources.

Efficient Logistic and Order Tracking:

  • Cost saving on supply chain by eliminating hidden service charges and fees.
  • Smooth imports and clearance in US Customs.
  • Access to order management panels to check status and progress on your order.
  • Track progress and see history from multiple suppliers in a single view.
  • Real-time e-mail updates on your order.

E Chem Portal in Brief:

eChemPortal is a simplified Chemical search engine that enables smooth purchasing experience for buyers. Through our eCommerce platform, we can connect your organization to numbers of chemical suppliers. We take pride in developing strong relationships with all our chemical suppliers because it is our partnership that drives eChemPortal towards success.

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Contact Us

  • Phone(888) 959-7845
  • Fax(888) 980-0098
  • Become part of our Suppiler Network

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